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Artesian water from Greece - Exports

I wondered if a well in nature would form a jet of water upward when, as we all know, the natural flow of water is downward due to gravity. The answer is yes. And the name of this well: artesian. Let's see what exactly happens with water in an Artesian well: The aquifer (or aquifer) that hosts Artesian water is trapped under an impervious layer. But how was it trapped in the aquifer, when over it is a rock that does not allow the penetration of water? Typically, in such cases, the gradient of the impermeable layer is such that, although subjected to a watertight formation, it is able to appear on the surface of the earth in a region. This area is also the area of ​​its supply: water from the surface penetrates the interior of the aquifer, following the inclination of the rocks, and descends in depth until it encounters the underlying watertight layer, resulting in "capture" between the two watertight layers . Being in captivity, artesian water "feels" quite "pressed", seeking every opportunity to escape!
Our well-known artesian water, ANDANIA, is yours from Greece. Here are our unique export prices:

Andania - Artesian Natural Mineral Table Water from pure source


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